Tuesday, January 26, 2010


We went for a quick jaunt up to Showfields Jan 9th - primarily to give Des a Level 5 start before North Islands and also a good chance to have another run through of the GP for Gosh. Unfortunately the GP was not recognised as the List 1 judge was sick. No matter it's all mileage. Both boys were excellent - Des scoring 65% and an easy win while Gosh did an ever improving test. Had them both videoed so you can judge for yourselves!!
Des - the course error was the judges - not his!



I hope you all had fabulous holidays. It wasn't much of a break around here - the only day I had off work was Christmas Day itself where I hosted my entire extended family at home, of course the horses are all in full work and the kids are on holiday... but we managed to have a great day of sunshine, family and food - and of course presents!!

Harper on the non-OSH approved waterslide
Every little girl's dream
Such a boy!